Contact Us for Service, a New Quote, or More Information Today!
At Smith AC, help can be on the way as quickly as right now. If you have an emergency repair need, we urge you to call us right now for a faster reply: (337) 363-1866.
We’re also constantly checking our emails, so either means of contact will get you the desired end result. If sending an email, just remember that the more you tell us, the better prepared we’ll be when we respond.
24/7 Service
For Emergencies call (337) 363-1866 to talk with our on call service professional after 5 pm. All other request after 5 pm will be replied to the next work morning.
Smith Air Conditioning
Contact Info
511 E. Lincoln Rd, Ville Platte, LA 70586
tel: Opelousas: 337-942-6717
tel: Eunice: 337-546-6177
tel: Lafayette: 337-273-1866
tel: Ville Platte: 337-363-1866
email: comfort@smithac.com