Smith Air Conditioning provides cooling, heating repair & replacement, including heat pump, mini split and air purification installation to residents and businesses of Ball, LA!

Find out why your neighbors in Ball, LA call us first when they need help with heating and cooling their home or business.

Local Reviews
for Ball, LA

Smith Air Conditioning Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars based on 1 customer reviews

Great service

Review of Smith Air Conditioning

He was efficient and on time

BallLA71405 31.4225-92.4175

Danny  F.

Danny F.

Did service call on Aire Flo system and replace blower motor in warranty.

Near Eastbrook Trce, Ball, LA 71405
Danny  F.

Danny F.

Did service call on Aire Flo system and repair loose connection.

Near Eastbrook Trce, Ball, LA 71405
Ball, LA - Did service call on Aire Flo system and repair loose connection.
Dallas D.

Dallas D.

Near Eastbrook Trce, Ball, LA 71405